Joyful Beginnings logo
Support. Education. Confidence.

About Us

Joyful Beginnings is a special program for NTACHC’s moms-to-be and families. We know that becoming a mother is a big change, and we’re here to make it easier. Our caring team will meet with you one-on-one to help you learn about being healthy, staying active, and caring for your new baby. We also have groups where you can meet other moms and share your experiences. We want you to feel strong, confident, and excited about your new family!

Key features of the program:

  • One-on-one sessions with caring professionals
  • Healthy habits for moms (eating well, staying active)
  • Safe, friendly support groups
  • In-person classes on pregnancy, birth and caring for a new baby
  • An online course packed with information that you can learn at your own pace

Why Join the Joyful Beginnings Program

  • Your concerns are important to us.
  • We want the best for you and your family.
  • You’ll leave our program feeling confident and prepared.
  • You’ll be part of a supportive community.

Program Facts

  • Service is free.
  • You can leave the program at any time.
  • Program is open to expectant mothers and families up to a year postpartum.

Need a Postpartum Class?

Need Car Seat Installation Help?

Click photo below to download flyer.

Joyful Beginnings flyer - English

Click photo below to download flyer.

Joyful Beginnings flyer - Spanish

Sign Up for Joyful Beginnings

You may discuss complaints or problems with any member of the staff.  Any of our staff can try to help solve the problem, or write out a complaint and send it to the management.  You can also ask for a form to write out your complaint or grievance.  All written complaints are investigated. You can ask to meet with a manager; those meetings may require an appointment.

If your complaints are not resolved, you may contact the Texas Ombudsman Office by calling 1-877-787-8999, selecting a language, and then Option 3, or by making an online submission at https://www.hhs.texas.gov/services/your-rights/hhs-office-ombudsman.

Contact Us

We're not around right now. But you can send us an email and we'll get back to you, asap.

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