
Celebrate National Community Health Center Week!

North Texas Area Community Health Centers (NTACHC) invites the children of Tarrant County to participate in a coloring creation activity in honor of National Community Health Center Week, Aug. 8-14, 2021. Children are encouraged to submit drawings and colorings representing what health means to them for a chance to be featured in NTACHC communications. They can also use the NTACHC coloring sheets below:

Eat Healthy Coloring Page

Exercise Coloring Page

Go To The Doctor Coloring Sheet


Entries can be submitted online at adminasst@ntachc.flywheelsites.com

Those who deliver their artwork submissions in-person to any center by August 13 will receive a toy. One toy per child. Addresses:

Northside Center, 2332 Beverly Hills Dr., Fort Worth, TX 76114

Southeast Center, 2909 Mitchell Blvd. Fort Worth, TX 76105

Arlington Center, 979 N. Cooper St. Arlington, TX 76011

All artwork becomes the property of NTACHC and will not be returned.

Coloring Creation Activity Directions

Coloring Creation Activity Directions – Spanish

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